As children of God, there’s nothing like ‘enough prayer’. There’s always something to pray about, or better still, praise our maker for all His wondrous works..

My neighbor and I took a prayer walk the other night and we had such an amazing time. For a number of years , I had become a virtual recluse, only to realize now that it helps to mingle a little for my own emotional well- being.

You’ll be surprised how much we covered in prayer, from extolling God, to praying for every single member of our families.

I continue to learn that, instead of wasting time talking about things that do not edify, which is very typical of women, I would rather surround myself with like minded people who would sharpen me up and make me yearn more for the things of God.

Proverbs 27:17

As iron sharpens iron so one person sharpens another.

Another older bosom friend of mine Vanessa, challenged me with this scripture at the beginning of the year:

Romans13:8 Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law.

That would become our mantra for the year. Since then, I’ve always consciously felt the need to live at peace with everyone I have something to do with. It is not always easy but, you’ve got to guard your mind and heart because the devil is a liar- he’s always swinging- and he’s able to put you in a place where worthless is all you feel. Friends like these who would make you yearn for a relationship with God and to strive to become a better person is all you need.

God is Himself first, everything His word says He’s able to do that is why we have the ability to love unconditionally because Christ who lives in us is love Himself and grants us that ability.

When God is about shifting things in your life, He isolates you and changes your circle of people. A lot of pruning takes place when your relationship with Christ grows deeper. All He requires is your total surrender.

Do not take for granted the godly friends God brings your way. They may not have the qualities you expect, but trust them to scold you when you go wrong and point you in the right direction. ‘Real is rare and fake is everywhere’, so hold your friends well.

Thomas J. Watson quoted that,

“Don’t make friends who are comfortable to be with. Make friends who will force you to lever yourself up.”

This is the time to do some introspection and decide on who has to stay in your circle and who needs to vacate their position.

This is a season to claim God’s promises, no wasting time!!

Jasmin Zubida writes….